Saturday, July 27, 2024

This Is What I Feel Like

This is What I Feel Like one year after starting the blog

Yesterday, I got up and spent the one year anniversary of my cancer, music, and life blog hanging around the pool. Even though I'm overeating and sleeping, I Feel great.

I am happy to be alive because I've been dealing with cancer and it's aftermath for more than a year. (I've added the LEGACY Rewind » feature to remind myself where I've been and to never get lax.)

I arrived in Turks & Caicos about a week ago and this was the warmest day since. Pictures can say a lot so I'll share a few. This is what I look like - but more important - This is What I Feel Like.


This is What I Feel Like one year after starting the blog 1

This is What I Feel Like one year after starting the blog 2

This is What I Feel Like one year after starting the blog 3

This is What I Feel Like one year after starting the blog 4

This is What I Feel Like one year after starting the blog 5

This is What I Feel Like one year after starting the blog 6