Saturday, July 27, 2024

Going To Make It

Today marks one year since I've started this daily blog

Today marks one year since I've started this daily blog. Over this past year, I've made many new friends and I've lost some, too - but the blog has kept me grounded. On certain days it gave me strength to get through the day when I wasn't sure I wanted to go on. It gave me purpose and a way to focus on my feelings instead of my condition.

Eventually, my condition started to improve. The reason I call the blog Walking on Planet C is because once cancer invaded my life, things have not been quite the same. I must remain ever vigilant because just as the Big C attacked me once, it can counterattack. I feel good today, and to remember the road that I've walked I'm going to attach a legacy article to this post called "A New Beginning." It was the day I started to believe I was Going to Make It.


Eventually, my condition started to improve

The blog gave me strength to get through many days