Thursday, September 19, 2024

Here and Now!

December 4, 2013

I have the best network of friends and followers in the world and for that I'm truly grateful

My Dear Passionate and Reliable Blog Followers,

I've written two extremely lengthy blogs to bring you up to speed. Please forgive me for not having posted them yet... as it's the photo editing that takes up the bulk of my time. When I do post them, I hope you'll read them because they're almost as long as short books. So much has happened since my last post and I need to fill you in.

I may not be able to post them until I get home in a couple weeks but I hope you will stick with me. My blog's nickname is "My Cancer, Music, and Life Blog" for a good reason. Nowadays, these are the things that mostly define the quality of my existence.

Though I'm currently cancer free, I know I'm one doctor visit away from potentially anything, so I never make a big deal out of being deemed "cancer free."

Cancer, and it's effect on somebody who follows my blog, is a daily occurrence.

Music, has never flowed from me at a higher rate and I've never been more productive.

Life, has never felt more rewarding.

I have the best network of friends and followers in the world and for that I'm truly grateful. The two new HUGE blogs will be up as soon as I can go through the thousands of photos I've taken since the last post.

With love, humility and respect,



Me Backstage with a Family in Singapore

Me With Friends Backstage After CHIC Show in Singapore