Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I Need A Day Off

I've done nearly 500 daily blogs - and since Whitney, Dick Clark, MCA, Chuck Brown, Duck Dunn, Donna Summer and a number of other significant music personalities passings, I'm overwhelmed. I need a day to travel, think, rest, and prepare for Ibiza.

Yesterday was my tech guru D's birthday and I'd like to give him a night with his family. So I'm going to let him pick a funky play list and I think I'm going to fall asleep again.

I'll have so much to report tomorrow that frankly my blog family will be over whelmed. I've really grown to love you and this relationship keeps me grounded, and since I'm grounded, I know I need A Day Off.



A quick note by: IAmMisterD
Thank you everyone for the BDay wishes! Since I get to pick the first song, I picked a song that I wrote and produced with Nile and Jean Morisson. I feel it's appropriate because, as I'm sure you'll hear, it was heavily influenced by Donna Summer. It's a song we did for Will Ferrel's "SemiPro". It didn't make it into the film, but it was a lot of fun to do. Enjoy!