Thursday, April 25, 2024

Rising Sun

-惑星Cを行く[C: cancer、癌]-



今朝早く、僕は爽やかな空気の中散歩をした。(家を)離れる時、僕は振り返って僕の家に朝日が反射しているところを見ることが出来た。何故だか分からないが、朝日の反射は僕に、僕の昔のパートナーでThe CHIC Organizationの共同創立者であったバーナード・エドワーズを思い出させる。彼は15年前に亡くなり、今年の早い時期に日本の(TV)ネットワークWOWOWは僕のドキュメンタリーを撮った。彼は昇る太陽の地(日出づる国)として知られる日本で亡くなり、このフィルムの重要な部分はバーナードの死を扱っている。



Documentary: Nile Rodgers
Duration: 43:45
Format: NTSC 16:9


Le Freak:
An Upside Down Story of Family, Disco, and Destiny
Written by Nile Rodgers

Category: Biography & Autobiography - Personal Memoirs; Biography & Autobiography - Composers & Musicians; Music - Popular
Format: eBook, 336 pages
On Sale: October 2011
Price: $ 12.99
ISBN: 978-0-679-64403-3 (0-679-64403-2)

Available as a hardcover and eBook.

You will hear a Nile Rodgers song today. It will make you happy.

Today's pop music—genre-crossing, gender-bending, racially mixed, visually stylish, and dominated by dance music with global appeal—is the world that Nile Rodgers created. In the 1970s and 1980s, he wrote and produced the songs that defined that era and everything that came after: "Le Freak," "Good Times," "We Are Family," "Like a Virgin," "Modern Love," "I'm Coming Out," "The Reflex," "Rapper's Delight." Aside from his own band, Chic, he worked with everyone from Diana Ross and Madonna to David Bowie and Duran Duran (not to mention Mick Jagger, Debbie Harry, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Michael Jackson, Prince, Rod Stewart, Robert Plant, Depeche Mode, Paul Simon, Peter Gabriel, Grace Jones, Bryan Ferry, INXS, and the B-52's), transforming their music, selling millions of records, and redefining what a pop song could be.

Read more about order the memoir here:
"Le Freak: An Upside Down Story of Family, Disco, and Destiny"